Sunday, January 3, 2010

One project down

I am trying to be better about this blogging thing. I've actually though about posting everyday, but every time I sit down to write about things I'm knitting, I realize that I don't have a camera with me in order to take photos of things I've knitted. So I decide that I might as well wait until I have photos. And then I don't post for days.

I finished the Boy Hat. I really like this pattern. It's really stretchy and happy, and I like the way the ribs come together at the top. If I had photos it would be easier to explain, but it's a really hat pattern, and fun to wear. I give it thumbs up. So far, I've only been done this one for an hour but my dad has stolen it and my mother wants one too, so it looks like I'll be making two more at some point. Probably after the socks, but I don't have the needles I need for the socks here so they may be delayed for a little while.

I'm still working on the lace scarf. Just after my last post, I messed up the pattern and clearly either added or lost a row of the pattern somewhere, so the knits and purls got flipped. I didn't notice that it had happened until 3 repeats later (this is what I get for knitting at 4 am). I had to debate if I wanted to rip it all back, and try to pick up all the stitches again but risk having to start over, or try and ignore it. I almost decided I was going to rip it back, but I'm not confident enough in the lace pattern that I would be able to pick up all the stitches again. I really didn't want to have to start over again, especially since I had to restart so many times. I decided to suck it up, skip a row of knitting (so that the purls were on the right side again) and continue on. So far, no one I've showed it too sees the mistake, but because I was the one that made it, it glares at me every time I look at the scarf. It's rather frustrating...

As my mother points out; if it's the worst screw-up I make while working on my first lace project, I should be happy. We'll see.

And now it's time for an attic yarn raid!

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