Friday, January 22, 2010

I am a slacker.

I could come with a million reasons why I haven't posted in forever (such as both of my computer dying or that I just moved half-way across the country again or that I forgot my freaking camera AGAIN), but in reality, it's because I'm a slacker...

I'm also apparently a fiber slacker right now too...

In the 20 days since I last posted, I've made a hat. One Hat. In 20 days. This makes me sad. and that was only because my mother asked me nicely. My dad stole the last boy-hat, so my mom asked me to make her one too with a longer brim so she could roll it up.

I went on a attic fiber raid with my mother, and we found a bunch of wool and came up with a bunch of projects for it... I got some more work done on the scarf. And then I had to pack to come back to the east coast. And my yarn would not fit in my suitcases. I tried... I repacked twice. There was no way that anything I had on needles, let alone all the new and prettty yarn was going to fit. It was a really sad day.

I will be getting it all shipped to me, but I keep forgetting to give my mother my mailing address, so it's going to be longer than I was hoping. Until then, I'm confined to the stash I have here. It could be worse, it's actually larger than the one I have at home. The problem is that all the yarn I have here is either acrylic or handspun. After spending all break spoiled using wool and silk, I really don't want to go back to acrylic, and I am always too scared to use my handspun. I should just suck it up.

1) Post more
2) Have something to post about.

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